Other companies offering complementary services

There are many existing business initiatives in the surrounding area that will complement your experience; these include restaurants, shops selling local produce, different types of accommodation, transfers, etc. Further information can be found at tourist information points and you can also see the following sections:

Food and drink

  • Restaurante La Piedra – Calle El Lomito – Telephone (+34) 922 863 113
  • Restaurante La Fuente – Calle El Lomito, 6 – Telephone (+34) 922 863 466 / 922 863 457
  • Cafetería Mirador La Cruz de Hilda – Carretera General a Masca, no number, km 14.7 – Telephone (+34) 620 845 139
  • Bar Restaurante Casa Riquelme – Calle El Lomo, 6 – Telephone (+34) 692 044 362
  • Bar Blanky (Casa Fidel) – Calle El Lomito, 20 – Telephone (+34) 922 863 457
  • Restaurante El Guanche (Alte Schule) – Calle El Lomito, no number – Telephone (+34) 922 863 027
  • Bar Restaurante Aquí me quedo – Calle La Piedra, 1 – Telephone (+34) 922 863 408
  • Bar Restaurante Masca – Calle El Turrón, 1 – Telephone (+34) 922 863 431
  • Kiosco Plaza de Masca – Plaza de Masca square – Telephone (+34) 686 236 639

If you are a company providing complementary services and you would like to appear on this website

Companies providing complementary services, such as passenger transport, food and drink, and accommodation, among others, which would like to appear on the official website of the booking office, must send an email to info@caminobarrancodemasca.com together with the company’s details and documentation required by law.

Companies that meet all legal and sustainability requirements and that are understood to be relevant as providers of complementary services for the trail may appear in this section.

If you are an Active Tourism company, see the section How to become a collaborating Active Tourism company.